Friday, July 22, 2005

Criminal mischief?

In a good case of self-policing, the lawyers at Volokh Conspiracy point out an out of control prosecutor wasting taxpayer money on behalf of jilted women. It was bad enough when hell had not fury, but now women scorned have criminal prosecution as a tool.

Authorities said Brian Jackson, 31, dated two women by pretending to be Pittsburgh Steelers quarterbacks Ben Roethlisberger and Brian St. Pierre.

Jackson, arrested Friday, was charged with harassment for allegedly continuing to contact both women after they learned of the ruses. He was also charged with criminal mischief for allegedly ruining a Steelers jersey owned by one of the women's neighbors when he signed his worthless rendition of Roethlisberger's autograph on it. The jersey was worth $75 before it was signed, police said.

As the newspaper, the Volokhians and the commenters all pointed out, a Steeler's fan ought to recognize the actual wearer of the jersey. One commenter noted that the appropriate legal principle here is caveat cheapskate.

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