Thursday, August 04, 2005

Class action lawlessness

Zenophobia links to an article on the latest class action abuse.

In 2000 or 2001, Sony Pictures created the fictitious movie critic "David Manning" to push their movies to potential moviegoers. Quotes from "Manning" were included in advertising for several movies. So, some lawyers decided to get themselves a plaintiff and sue on behalf of anyone who went to one of those movies. They made themselves "$500,000 in attorneys fees". And what did they get for the moviegoers?

Under terms of the agreement, moviegoers who bought tickets to any of the four films between Aug. 3, 2000, and Oct. 31, 2001, could file a claim that could return them as much as $5 for each ticket purchased. Unclaimed portions of the settlement fund are to be earmarked for charity.

Whoohoo!!!! $5. I wonder if you have to be able to produce your 4 year old ticket stub or if this is on the honor system?

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